



DMA provides distribution solutions to multi-unit restaurants and institutional operators through their national food distribution system. A tour path through their new office nods to the highways DMA’s distribution networks use each day and celebrates the origins of DMA’s history.

Project Highlights

  • Geometric patterns unfold as visitors travel through public spaces to private spaces

  • Bold graphics and installations activate areas dedicated to connection and collaboration

Featured Capabilities

Custom Wallcoverings, Plant Design & Coordination, Specialty Elements, Staging, Wall Graphics


Schaumburg, Illinois


DMA began as an idea on a cocktail napkin. A 30-foot specialty installation in the reception lounge draws inspiration from folded napkins and DMA’s brand colors.


The napkin installation unfolds as visitors travel from the reception lounge to the primary conference room, revealing the original DMA sketch.


A bold wall graphic energizes Innovation Hall, inspiring employees to think outside of the box.


In collaboration with Variegated Designs and Ziken Signage.